Thursday, March 19, 2020

Europe - national identity essays

Europe - national identity essays If we consider nations as `imagined communities, what role did the concepts of race, gender, and class play in crafting national identity from the mid-nineteenth century through the beginnings of the twentieth century? How did these same concepts also serve to undermine a sense of national identity and unity? Race, class and gender give certainty to the idea of nations as imagined communities. Nations are imaginings of a general populace and yet they have a profound effect on the way that the people who have imagined them live out their lives. People in a nation are incredibly different and yet because of their belonging to this imaginary community, they are believed to be the same. In this sense, a nation can be seen as a creation that requires consciousness, because this notion of community must be larger than any individual could experience directly. It is this understanding of nations that gives significance to factors such as race, class and gender. It are these factors which serve to contribute to the idea of shared qualities between people within the imagined boarders of a nation. Furthermore, as race, class and gender create shared national identities within the imagined boundary of a nation, they also result in narrowing views of who is a true member of that nation. The concept of a true member of a nation is closely related to the growing notion of superiority within a nation and the development of social hierarchies. These modes of othering are examples of how people in a culture tend to draw boundaries between themselves and others. Of most importance to the development of national identities is the use of enlightenment sciences to give proof to national history and roots. These sciences, which originally gave clarity to gender and race, created national identities, which were thought to be relatively homogeneous communities with shared characteristics...

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

What to do when your boss is stealing your ideas

What to do when your boss is stealing your ideas There are lots of potentially difficult situations that arise in most workplaces- anything from annoying coworkers, to incompetent people on a project team, to having to work twice as hard in an effort to pick up the slack for a lazy, underperforming colleague who always seems to wiggle out of trouble. But the truth is, one of the most challenging professional situations to have to deal with is a scheming and self-serving boss who is constantly stealing your ideas or taking credit for your work, leaving you in the dust with nothing to show for your efforts and accomplishments. Hopefully this doesn’t sound familiar or hit too close to home for you- but if it does, we know how difficult it can be. The last thing any of us want to do is put ourselves into an adversarial situation with our bosses, so there’s a real impulse not to say or do anything about it- which can quietly â€Å"signal† your boss that you’re okay with their bad behavior or at the very least not going to rock the boat for them, which means the theft may continue (or get worse).It’s important to do  something  when your boss is stealing your ideas. But how can you handle the situation delicately enough so that you don’t make things unbearable for yourself, yet firmly and decisively enough to send a clear message that you’re not willing to put up with this?If you or someone you know is struggling with this reality, there is hope, and a way forward. Entrepreneur published an article  that highlights strategies for dealing with a boss who takes credit for your ideas. Use the following to help guide you through the potential hazards and pitfalls of the tough spot you’re in and hopefully make it through unscathed.Step 1: Evaluate the situationWhen you first start getting the feeling that your boss is taking credit for your ideas, your first step is not to unleash the fury on the powers that be in an effort at vengeance or retribution. Take a step back to get some valuable perspective and evaluate the situation. Is your boss really stealing your ideas or just aggregating and presenting the work for the team that reports to her or him? Are you absolutely certain that you’re not getting credit for your work? Just because you may not receive instant adulation for your ideas does not mean that your efforts are going unnoticed. Perhaps your boss is not the overly effusive sort, but nonetheless is appreciative of your contributions and is giving credit where it’s due in a subtle way, or is simply waiting for your next review period to give you your well-deserved rewards? Bottom line- make sure you know for sure that your boss is stealing your ideas before taking things any further.Step 2: Get a second opinion/witness.Okay, so you’re fairly certain that your boss is indeed taking credit for your work- what should you do next? The next best step is to get a second opinion in an effort to have a witness to t he situation in your corner. Why is this so important? Because without a witness, unless you have absolutely irrefutable evidence it’s basically your word vs. your boss’s, and in this scenario the boss often wins. Don’t put yourself in that scenario- instead, choose a credible and reliable witness, preferably someone with a little clout at your workplace, and help your case by having that person in your corner. It could make all the difference if you decide to take things further.Step 3: Document your case.A strong, impassioned story and credible witness will go a long way towards supporting your claim of idea theft, but nothing beats a solid â€Å"paper trail.† Wherever feasible, have some ironclad evidence that documents the onerous events- everything from emails to recorded instances of theft and proof that the ideas were indeed yours to begin with will all serve to substantiate your claim. Nothing is more disheartening than making a bold claim of thef t that you’re unable to prove and it ultimately goes nowhere. Not only will your work situation not improve, it will likely become even more uncomfortable for you there.Step 4: Communicate with your boss.No, we’re not suggesting you kick open their office door and yell at them at the top of your lungs in an effort to get them to admit their wrongdoing. Instead, we’re saying that there may be a more peaceful and professional way to reach a satisfying conclusion. If you politely discuss the situation with your boss, they may be able to capably explain why you’re mistaken about what has transpired. Or maybe they’ll realize they’ve failed to properly give you the credit you’re due are willing to make amends. Often, the path of least resistance is the best one to take first. Hopefully your boss is reasonable enough to deal with, provided your approach is free from hostility and you’re open to reasonable and equitable compromise.If y ou think your boss might be profiting from your ideas without sharing the credit, don’t just do nothing- but don’t do anything rash, either. Take a breath, assess the situation, and make your way through the measured and professional steps mentioned here to come to a resolution that gives you the credit you deserve.